• For my mommas

    Free Baby Stuff How to Guide

    Do you know what the absolute best four letter word is? If you guessed “love”…hate to tell ya, but you’re wrong. It is F-R-E-E. Even better than free???? Free stuff that is actually needed. Who doesn’t want free stuff when…

  • Beauty

    Nails at home

    Am I the only one who hates going to the nail salon?? I mean don’t get me wrong….ya girl loves lookin fly (is that even an “in” thing to say anymore??), but something about going to the salon is incredibly…

  • General

    Baby on a Budget!

    we have all heard it about a hundred times..BABIES ARE EXPENSIVE…. That seems to be the leading line to anything that comes to babies. Yes, yes surely we can all be like “sure, yeah I bet they are” followed by…

  • Food

    Firehouse Italian Sub Copycat!

    Okay, so I don’t know about y’all but with this COVID mess putting places out of business this recipe quickly became a MUST have for my pregnant ass. Prior to COVID I could conveniently take a short 20 minute drive…

  • Travel

    Waco, Texas 10/10

    The heart of every HGTV goers bucket list….Waco, Texas!!! As mentioned in a separate post, Texas itself is packed full of charm and history…that alone makes it a bucket list fave (personally). Let alone being able to actually go visit…