Baby on a Budget!
we have all heard it about a hundred times..BABIES ARE EXPENSIVE…. That seems to be the leading line to anything that comes to babies. Yes, yes surely we can all be like “sure, yeah I bet they are” followed by…
Why you should go to community college FIRST
In the last year I have had about six friends decide to start college. This is terrific news; however, about five of them all decided to start off at a university. When asked why it quickly became apparent that it…
Understanding College Lingo For Beginners
So if you are sitting there attempting to start college, but quickly find yourself “lost in the sauce” of lingo.. THIS IS FOR YOU! Looking back to when I first started, I felt so clueless on where to begin or…
First Blog, I can do this….I hope..
Last night I was laying in bed, attempting to fall asleep (unsuccessfully) and BAM it hit me…somewhere between the hours of 1 and 2 a.m. “I am going to start a blog!” It seemed like a pretty solid idea at…