
  • Travel

    Waco, Texas 10/10

    The heart of every HGTV goers bucket list….Waco, Texas!!! As mentioned in a separate post, Texas itself is packed full of charm and history…that alone makes it a bucket list fave (personally). Let alone being able to actually go visit…

  • Food,  Travel

    Austin, Texas

    One of my favorite places in the United States is Texas- no I am not from there. It’s such a big state with endless opportunities and lifestyles all while maintaining a sense of southern charm. First things first… Let’s talk…

  • Travel

    My first terrible Uber experience

    Being someone who travels often, I am no stranger to good ole Uber. Typically the drivers are pleasant, responsible and sometimes even entertaining with no complications. Smooth sailing! That is until it’s not….. We are all familiar with the term…