First Blog, I can do this….I hope..
Naturally, the links you come across will contribute to my coffee funds at no additional costs to you-to include Amazon affiliate links.
Last night I was laying in bed, attempting to fall asleep (unsuccessfully) and BAM it hit me…somewhere between the hours of 1 and 2 a.m. “I am going to start a blog!” It seemed like a pretty solid idea at the time…no way it can be that hard to just write about my adventures, good food recipes, and everything in between, right???
So I put in the research to start and quickly began to question this entire thing. “I have to host a blog, but first need my own server with a domain name????” For those of you who do not know me, I am NOT tech savvy and taking the time to work with technology is not my jam whatsoever.
Let’s put it this way I have three perfectly working printers sitting upstairs. Why you ask? Well, when one gets kicked off the internet server (which is an entirely separate subject all in itself.. $90 for only WiFi, one would think it works with zero complication *eye roll* WRONG) anyways, instead of messing with it, I just buy a new one. I know, I know you are thinking “just figure it out?!” to which I respond, “I do try…well I did once”. You see what happens is, I find YouTube videos to walk me through it, but the problem is that they always TALK TO MUCH. This leads to me getting more annoyed, the next thing you know I am gently tapping my head against my hand yelling “JUST GET TO THE POINT…. BLAH BLAH BLAH. MEAT AND POTATOES”. At which point my husband usually walks in the room staring at me as if I have a third nipple growing from my head. So it’s easier to just buy a new one and call it a day.
Which leads me to my point here, technology and Leni (that’s me) do not mix. Luckily, I found which made the process extremely easy and hassle free. Now here I am, attempting to get through this first blog without failing miserably or making an ass of myself. All the while attempting to familiarize myself with all of the cool features.
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