Free Baby Stuff How to Guide
Naturally, the links you come across will contribute to my coffee funds at no additional costs to you-to include Amazon affiliate links.
Do you know what the absolute best four letter word is? If you guessed “love”…hate to tell ya, but you’re wrong. It is F-R-E-E. Even better than free???? Free stuff that is actually needed. Who doesn’t want free stuff when they have a bun in the oven!? These beautiful, tiny, bundles of joy are expensive. Fret not, ya girl here took a lot of the work in finding those freebies out for you. Literal weeks of searching every Google article, every blog, Pinterest, you name it….I read AND TRIED every single freebie tip. I even took an entire day emailing an entire page of companies because I saw on blog stating they would give free samples. Ended up being a complete waste of time and not a single one sent a sample. My point here?? Well, finding freebies can be time consuming and useless. SoOoOo follow me to the land of actual free and useful things. For my friends reading looking to be more frugal while preparing for baby check, out my Baby on A Budget post.
Surely by now you have read that you can get freebies from simply creating a baby registry. It is true, certain companies will send you a free little gift just for making a registry with them! The best part??? YOU DO NOT HAVE TO BUY A THING…except for Amazon…they require a ten dollar purchase from your registry (you or a friend/family can make this purchase) and to have 60% of it complete before they send out your gift. Okay, okay here is the list all tried and true.
we covered this one accidentally above..
login, create your registry and go to Target customer service area. On your app go to your registry home page and click “offers&benefits”. Then click “get welcome kit”. This should generate a barcode that the employee will scan in exchange for your gift bag.
create the registry and go into your nearest store to pick up your free bag from the counter
But wait there’s more………
Remember when I said I spent an entire day emailing companies and none of them actually checked out? Well that’s true. Another true statement is a few days later I read about Similac giving freebies to people who registered with their rewards program. Fact. Not only did they send some samps (this is samples for those who cannot keep up with the lingo), but they also CONTINUE to send coupons. Good coupons too an entire booklet of them ranging from $5-$15 off that can be used anywhere.
Another place that did send ONE coupon for $20 off was Gerber upon joining their “MyGerber Baby Family”. Which basically was one free thing of formula, but hey free is free! No complaints here.