Laser Hair Removal Personal Review
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So you’re thinking about laser, aye?!
When I first contemplated laser hair removal, I searched high and low for information prior to taking the plunge. Of course, the internet just freaks you out. You know, the whole people complaining about how badly it hurt without providing any real information sorta thing. Gee thanks, captain obvious. So let’s get into it shall we?! Keep in mind, I am no professional. Rather sharing my personal experience which can vary from one person to the next.
Two words to describe laser hair removal…. GAME CHANGER anyone able to get it to do so. You will not regret it- I know, I know, “but it is SO expensive”. Yes, it can be very expensive; however, if you do your research you can find a good deal. The first time I thought about getting it, they quoted me at $1700 for my armpits and lady bits. Are you shitting me???? About six months later I was trolling on Groupon and BEHOLD, a special that allowed for six treatments of two medium areas for $315. Say whaaaaaat? After checking the fine print to identify what they classified as “medium areas” I found armpits and full brazilian fell under just that. Whoop Whoop! Okurrrr. I was in there like swimwear. So yes, you CAN afford it without breaking the bank if you do your research. Just keep in mind that the treatment areas for small, medium, and large can vary by facility, so check the fine print.
Know before you go
I was under the impression that prior to laser I needed to grow my hair out *facepalm* so not the case. The point of laser is to target the hair’s follicle which means no annoying and lengthy periods of growing it out. Per the nurse, no waxing, plucking or sun exposure six weeks before treatment. No lotions, perfumes, or deodorants on the area to be treated. They do ask that you shave the areas the day before your appointment with a new razor.
Setting the mood…
So for your initial visit they may have you meet with a physician within their facility. My experience was a video chat in a private room. The purpose of this is to do a screening to ensure you are a good candidate. By “good candidate” they are checking to confirm you are not on any medications or have existing health conditions that would make the treatment unsafe. From there you go into the private treatment room where the nurse will give you sunglasses, explain the procedure and have you get into position.
The experience
For your under arms you just lay on your side with your arm above your head. I would recommend wearing a tank top, camisole, or spaghetti strap of some sort. If you are getting anything waist down you will be prompted to drop your pants to your ankles. Relax, it is not as bad as it sounds. After the first two visits, I started wearing a spaghetti strap dress and going commando to avoid the hassle of the pants. It was easier and more comfortable to just pull the dress up when it was time.
For all things holy, you do NOT have to get on all four for a brazilian. If I had a dollar for every time a friend asked that, I would be drinking starbucks for a’ free. I mean, could you imagine having a stranger tell you to “assume the position” pants at your ankles sitting there on all four??? YIKES! Not the case, you just lay there heels touching and legs like a pretty butterfly and then roll over on your belly. Easy peasy.
Another frequently heard line is, “It must be so awkward?!” absolutely not! I always think of it as, “uh, well… they should feel privileged to get to see my beautiful lady parts, you are welcome”. Kidding….kind of, but seriously these nurses are professionals and do this kind of thing all day long. It is no more awkward than getting a pap. Plus you can request the same nurse each time so it gets more comfortable with each visit.
If that is not enough to ease your mind, the sensation of the treatment will distract you from any awkward feelings. Many people describe it as a hot rubber band slapping against your skin. That is pretty accurate. You will hear a noise (like a gust of wind) and then feel a hot spot with a little sting. It is super quick and you will be fine, promise. Upon finishing, the nurse starts to clean the equipment as you get yourself together.
They provide a private area for you to apply aloe to the areas, if you want. DO THIS, put the aloe on. It really helps sooth the skin. Something I wish I would have known, do not be alarmed if your skin starts to get little bubbles after your treatment. At first it will just be red, but within a few minutes it might bubble. They will go away in about an hour or two. Unfortunately, it looks disgusting. Just check out my armpits below….ick.

Does it hurt?
I mean it is certainly not pleasant. Honestly though, the real answer to this depends on many factors
- The individual’s pain threshold. I have a high pain tolerance, so it was more irritating than anything. Some parts were pretty painful, but it was quick and certainly bearable.
- The location- my underarms were a breeze. Other places were still easy, but much like tattoos, some areas are just generally a little more sensitive.
- What the machine is set on also makes a difference. If it is too painful you can always ask them to adjust the machine.
Can they numb me?
YES, you may opt for a topical numbing agent at an additional cost. This may vary for each location, but the particular facility I went to required anyone wishing to purchase the numbing agent to show up 20-30 minutes early.
For my first appointment I was SO nervous. I had no idea what to expect and asked the nurse about her opinion on the numbing cream, she urged me to get it and said it helps “a lot”. Honestly, the way she made everything sound scared me on what was coming. After looking at the area, she turned me away because of too many tan lines. *eye roll* Do y’all know how annoying it is to drive an hour one way in Cali traffic?? Anyways, I rescheduled for four weeks later. Which ended up being a blessing in disguise because the other nurse was AMAZING! I proceeded to do all six treatments with no numbing agents and survived just fine.
How many visits and how long is each visit?
The number of treatments recommended is at least four because of how the hair grows (at different times). As mentioned, I found a package for six treatments.
The length of treatment time varies. I had the same nurse (per request) for the first five treatments and she was stellar. From the time I went into the room to the time I walked out was six minutes exactly. She swiftly moved the target area along one little spot after the next. My sixth and final treatment she was not at work and I had a different nurse. The experience was very different, as her technique was slower. Instead of steadily flowing, she would stop after each spot to gently rub. Surely, it was a nice gesture, but it prolonged the process and honestly hurt more.
No, you do not magically walk out like a hairless cat. It takes a few weeks for the hair to fall out. Roughly three weeks after my sixth treatment my pits and lady bits were all set. The nurse told me laser will always be 20% maintenance, what this means is that while it does make the hair fall out, you will still have some hair growth. When the hair does grow, it is very fine and patchy. I only shave about once every 2-3 weeks sometimes longer. The pictures below are both right at three weeks no shaving the pits. Worth it.

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